Sunday, 13 October 2013



Exchange server

Exchange server1

1.    What must be done to an AD forest before Exchange can be deployed?
-          Ans: Setup.exe /forestprep
2.    What Exchange process is responsible for communication with AD?
-          Ans: DSACCESS
3.    What 3 types of domain controller does Exchange access?
-          Ans: Normal Domain Controller, Global Catalog, Configuration Domain Controller
4.    What connector type would you use to connect to the Internet, and what are the two methods of sending mail over that connector?
Ans: SMTP Connector: Forward to smart host or use DNS to route to each address
5.    How would you ptimize Exchange 2003 memory usage on a Windows Server 2003 server with more than 1Gb of memory?
ANS:Add /3Gb switch to boot.ini
6.    Name the process names for the following:
ANS:System Attendant? MAD.EXE, Information Store – STORE.EXE, SMTP/POP/IMAP/OWA – INETINFO.EXE
7.    What is the maximum amount of databases that can be hosted on Exchange 2003 Enterprise?
-          ANS: 20 databases. 4 SGs x 5 DBs.
8.    What are the standard port numbers for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, RPC, LDAP and Global Catalog?

25         SMTP   
110       POP3
143       IMAP4
135       RPC
389       LDAP
636       LDAP (SSL),
3268    Global Catalog
465      SMTP/SSL,
993       IMAP4/SSL,
563       IMAP4/SSL,
53         DNS ,
80         HTTP ,
88         Kerberos ,
102       X.400 ,
110       POP3 ,
119       NNTP ,
137 -    NetBIOS Session Service
139 -    NetBIOS Name Service ,
379      LDAP (SRS)  ,
443      HTTP (SSL) ,
445 -   NetBIOS over TCP
563     NNTP (SSL) ,
691      LSA ,
993      IMAP4 (SSL) ,
994      IRC (SSL) ,
995      POP3 (SSL) ,
1503    T.120 ,
1720    H.323 ,
1731  Audio conferencing ,
1863 - MSN IM
3268 GC ,
3269 GC (SSL) ,
6001 Rpc/HTTP Exchange Store ,
6002 HTTP Exchange Directory Referral service ,
6004 Rpc/HTTP NSPI Exchange Directory Proxy service/Global Catalog ,
6667   IRC/IRCX ,
6891 - 6900 - MSN IM File transfer ,
6901 - MSN IM Voice ,
7801 - 7825 - MSN IM Voice[/b]
9.    What are the prequisite for  installation of Exchange Server
ANS:   The pre requsite are IIS, SMTP, WWW service ,NNTP, W3SVC, NET Framework,                        ASP.NET
           Then run Forestprep
           The run domainprep
10. Which protocol is used for Public Folder ?                                


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